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the Neglected Website

     Since Facebook became a part of my life a couple of years ago or so, I've pretty much neglected this website, so I decided it was time for a more lengthy update that Facebook statuses.Smile

     We still have not sold our house, though Bobby has been working at his new job for over a year.  We would still like to sell it, but are also open to the option of staying here with yet another job change if that is the Lord's will for us.  We truly ONLY want to be within His perfect will.

     Bobby has spent much of this past year traveling and training and has been able to be home a couple of weekends a month for the most part with a few extra days home now and again.  It's been an adjustment, but God's grace is sufficient.  After this much time living like this, I'm sure there will be adjustments once we are re-united also.  But we are more than ready to meet the challenge

What's New with My Subject?

If I didn't include a news section about my site's topic on my home page, then I could include it here.