Summer Headlines

Fall 2006 Photo Page Robin's blog True Treasures Jacob & Jenny Evans Events January 2007 Romans Road March/April 2007 What's New My Photos Evans Events Jan/Feb 2008 Good Books Family  Fotos Summer Headlines No greater joy Birth Stories What's New Guest Book

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Headline News 

 In June of this year Bobby left to begin a one year job in Iraq (or Racoon as Adin calls it---the only familiar "rac" word to him..he looks for racoon on maps now.)   He had an opportunity with Honeywell to take this job and we believe it will benefit us in the long run, as he'll make some extra money so we can knock out several years of our mortage.  He's been gone for about one month, so we're one twelfth of the way through!  I know that it will go fast and when it's over we'll say that wasn't so bad.  We certainly do miss him and I know he misses us, but we really do believe this opportunity was a way the Lord provided for us to get out from under such a big debt, which we probably shouldn't have had in the first place, but are grateful for His merciful ways.

Other big news to come the fall is Karena's WEDDING!!  Karena and Zac Venus are planning to become one on October 25, 2008.  Karena is staying with Betsy in Wisconsin now and they are planning to live there.  They are both hoping for decent jobs and plan to start taking college classes there in the near future.  So...we are into wedding plans with Karena being far away--not the best way, but lots of phone calls and emails with photo attachments make it work.  And Charity almost always knows what Karena likes, so she's a great help.  Zac and Karena are really wanting an outdoor, evening wedding at a park, so please join us in prayer for good weather.  I guess she can wear longjohns under her dress if it's cold. Wink

Other news....Charity and Josiah are going to Mexico in August on a missions trip.  Bobby was planning to go with them, but those plans changed.  They will be doing Bible Schools in several locations.  Charity has chosen to go to a remote location.  Josiah, being younger, will be in our pastor's care since Bobby couldn't go.  Technically he should have a parent along. It should be an unforgettable experience.  Please pray that God will work in their lives as a result of this trip and that His will would be accomplished in each of them.

Jacob and Jenny are currently in California with magazine sales again. Jacob tells me they are doing well.

Seth is working at Nascote in Nashville, IL and living here at the present time.  His dog, Vera, had three really cute little puppies this past spring.  Actually she had five, but only three survived.

Olivia, Elisabeth, Levi, Matthew, Jaaron, Adin and Eli are all well, growing so quickly.

Please take a look at our new "Family Foto" page and sign our guestbook if you'd like.  I also posted a new album on our "My Photos" page.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, be gracious unto you, lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace!